Monday, January 2, 2012

Well, What I Don't Get.....

Cooper says that Molly and Gabe are my favorites.  He tells Emma all the time that the two of them have to stick together since I love the oldest and the youngest  more.  He also said that every time I blog about him it is something negative.   This one's for him....
Cooper is hilarious!  I mean, seriously funny.  He is very witty [like his momma] and just off the cuff will crack a joke.  He's always been like this, even when he was small [Not that he's ever been small but when he was younger]
His impatience started before he was even born - he was due January 6 but came December 17. [Actually, Clinton approved for the US to bomb Iraq, Craig told me it might be the start of WWIII, I told him that would send me into labor, and guess who arrived the next day?]  As a baby he loved to smile and he loved noise.  We learned our lesson with baby #1 and we did not wait to put him in the bed after he was asleep [New parents are crazy!!].  We put him in the bed, every night, by 8:30 or so, asleep or not.  To this day, when the boy is tired, he does not lay on the couch or fall asleep in the chair - he goes to bed.  In fact, he can have friends over and when he's tired it is lights out for him

Getting ready for the Jingle Bell Run

He is a good kid.  He loves his brother and sisters [yes, even when he's complaining about them].  He takes very good care of all three of them. [If you call rubbing his bare stomach on Molly's face when she is totally oblivious (aka all the time) taking care of them then he's VERY good at that.]  He gets up every morning and fixes Emma's lunch.  Often, before school, he unloads and loads the dishwasher or helps with laundry.  He always loves on them and never leaves the house without hugs and kisses.  

Coming to the finish line!!
Back in December, Emma wanted to run in the Jingle Bell Run.  She's been doing the running club at school and was super excited about her first race. Coop volunteered to run with her...what an awesome brother!  [And it's a good thing because I ain't in no shape to run from here to the mailbox.]  He even carried her up a small hill, on his back.  He's just a super cool kid!

One of his favorite things to do is watch Youtube.  [Yes, I am a terrible mother.]  His favorite comedian is Jim Gaffigan.  I can see Coop doing stand up one day, in Vegas. [That is a good thing because Emma's going to need some family nearby....] 

He would die if he knew I was telling the world how smart he truly is and how for every smart thing he says there is one random piece of information.  His famous catch phrase is, "You know, what I don't get is..."  We know we are in for something good [I use that word "good" lightly sometimes] when we hear those words....

He is my Gigantor and my bubber and I ♥ him [even though I currently have to look up to look him in the eye.]

As always, life as a Shortie [and mom to the best Gigantor in the world] is awesome :)
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