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This summer has been [*insert Cousin Eddie voice*] real good to the Shorts.
[Well, until this week. My favorite coach had surgery to repair an abdominal hernia and he is currently down for the count. Every day is getting a little easier...just keep praying for his healing!]
Prior to the surgical takeover of my favorite coach, we managed to take 4 trips to Oak Island since May....not too shabby. [My parents have taken up residence there so we simply invade their space for spans of time. It works.] I spent a large part of many days this summer just watching the ocean waves.
We have a small medium large collection of shells.
We have sunglasses tans.
We have luggage that has stayed permanently packed.
We still have sand in our car.
Just a side note....I have yet to meet an educator who doesn't love summer time. We are a lucky bunch. [Remind me of that come January, when I want to pull my hair out....strand by strand.]
These are a few lessons I've learned [or been reminded of] over this summer of fun in the sun.....
I should have majored in marine biology or scuba diving [is that a major?] or something that put me near the ocean.
It is not humanly possible for me to get a decent tan. On my second trip to the beach, I ended up with a handprint on my left leg. [How? Why? #idunno] It's still there.
Sometimes Many times it is not possible to go home [not your real home but metaphorically speaking]. You cannot return because that moment you are trying to return to is over.[John Bon Jovi and Jennifer Nettles have been playing in my head all summer.] Personally, I'm struggling with this one.
Peaches and homegrown heirloom tomatoes [just not at the same time] are quite possibly two of the world's most perfect foods.
Looking backward never helped anyone move forward. [#fact]
The times when all of my children are under the same roof are becoming less and less frequent so spend them wisely. [The dishes and laundry always wait.]
Catching sand crabs is the best way to spend a Tuesday night. [Watching Craig catch sand crabs on a Tuesday night is absolutely hilarious.]
Good friends make life easier.
Snapchat filters are the perfect busters of boredom. [I have not one bit of shame in saying that.]
I am not sure anyone will survive the 2016 election season. [318 million folks in the US and those two idiots buffoons are the very best we can come up with to lead our country? Geez...]
Sometimes ALL THE TIME, when there is drama in a person's life, its ok [as in really OK] to NOT share it on Facebook.
Unfortunately [but often], people that you believed would never forget you fade into the past.
Getting older...I'll spare you the gory details....
I am not organized. I didn't get organized this summer. [#whocares #notme]
No matter how hard you try, you cannot make someone want to be in your life that truly does not want to be in your life.
Jesus loves me....this I know.