Saturday, January 30, 2010

Brown Eyes

Last night we were eating snow cream and watching Twilight at 9:30...then we had hot chocolate. Nothing like snowy evenings, good food, and the kiddos to wash away the worries of the week.

Gabe was in a mood last night. Not sure if he was tired or just ill or what but he was being a real pickle. Craig tried to talk to him and this was the conversation:
Craig: Gabe. What is wrong with you?
Gabe [refusing to look at Craig]: UUHHHHHHHHH!
Craig: Gabriel [Using the whole name = I mean business Mr.] lift your head and look at me when I am speaking to you.

Gabe lifts his head but has his eyes closed.
Craig: Gabe. Why are you acting like this?
Gabe opens his eyes at this point but cuts them to one side, still refusing to look at Craig.
Craig: That is not nice Gabriel. You better look at me or I will spank you.
Gabe finally looks at Craig, but only for a split second.
Craig comes into the kitchen and tells me that the boy is just like me. What??!!! I will give you the stubborn streak he has...I am about as hard headed as they come. But that act of cutting his eyes - that is all Mr. Short!! He is a baby just like Craig, especially when he doesn't get his way. When I told Craig that, he cut his eyes at me and went back into the living room. See - I was right as always!

Molly, Cooper, and I were messing with Emma last night about using the bathroom and eye color. [This all started as we were watching Twilight and were talking about Edward's eye color changing] We told her that when you are full of it your eyes change to the color brown. Once you go, then your eyes turn back to their normal color. Fast forward to the this morning, after breakfast:
Emma: Momma, I forgot to look at my eye color when I used the bathroom but I will remember next time.
That is too funny! She is so dang cute and gullible!! Molly almost peed her pants laughing!

What to do....what to is going to be fun with snow to be played in, food to be eaten, and naps to be had. Snow and is good :)

Missy ♥

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