Sunday, May 22, 2011

TBall Talkin' and Other Gabenese

[Forgive me for my absence from the blogosphere. Its been a long couple of weeks for the Shorties.]

Saturday, Emma and Gabe had their last tball game of the season and oh, what fun it was! Gabe still looks like the hammer weilding turtle from Super Mario Brothers [give him some hammers and he's a dead ringer] when he runs with that helmet. He also slings the bat when he hits the ball off the tee [and he takes a lot of "practice" swings when he's playing] and poor Coach Ryan almost got few hits to the shins and lower ankles. [He finally learned, after at bat number three for Gabe, to get out of the way after Gabe hit the ball.] Once Gabe made it to first base, he forgot all about playing tball. As in, he literally forgot to run, pay attention to the ball, etc. The boy started have a serious conversation with the first base coach from the other team. I mean, he was into it with this man. We could not hear all of what he was talking about but we did hear the words "tornado" and "scared" and we could see the coach laughing so I can only imagine what the boy was saying. One time, my dad went over to take a picture of Gabe while he was batting [Gabe is a super model in training 'cause he's always ready for a picture.] and Gabe put the bat down and gave Paw Paw a huge way and cheesy smile. [Hey, who cares that I'm up to bat? There is a camera near by and it's got my name all over it people. CHEESE:)] He made it to second base only after his Paw Paw, his Nana, his sister, and I all yelled at him to R-U-N! [Cliche, I know........"RUN GABE! RUN!]

Gabe also told me today that I was naughty. [Shut it.] He said, "I know what naughty means. It means that you are late for school." Yes, Gabe. I live .5 miles from my job and I am naughty every day. I try. Sometimes.

Gabe's new thing is asking us this question: So, how was your ________? Sometimes he wants to know about our day. Sometimes he wants to know how the trip to the store went. Sometimes he wants to know how folding clothes is going. The boy is a mess.

Usually he ends up sleeping in whatever spot he falls asleep. Lately, that's been in Molly's floor. [Truth be known, she probably likes for him to sleep in there as much as he likes to sleep in there] This past Sunday, he slept in our floor, Emma slept in his bed, Coooper slept in the other bunk bed, and Molly slept in Emma's bed. Craig and I don't sleep under the covers - we just use two of our favorite blankets on top of the comforter. We need a sleeping intervention at our house. Many nights, between 2am and 4am, I hear, "Mommy, can I sweep wif you?" And, of course, [and much to Short's disgust] I say yes. [Who wants to get up and make a pallet when the baby can just slide in beside me?]

If you're looking for something fun head to the KM YMCA tomorrow night @ 6pm and see our team, A Kick in the Teeth, play a serious game of kickball. It's sure to be fun. We'll be the menacing [and somewhat injured] group of folks with black shirts. Watch your balls - we play to win.....

I have decided that some people cannot be helped, reasoned with, or expected to change for the better. I cannot elaborate but just know that I'm asking for prayers for some situations that have really bothered me. [Nothing here at Casa de la Short but outside of here. We are way too sarcastic and humorous - we don't have time to be mean.] I have questioned myself, my choices, and my reactions and I just ask for your prayers.

In other Short news....Craig was voted Big South Coach of the Year for softball [see, he isn't just my favorite coach] , Molly won the Freshman Academy Award for lead actress [aka a student leader in and out of the classroom] and Emma is learning that friendships are amazing [I am so proud of her:)] . Coop is READY for school to be out and looking forward to a fun-filled summer, and Gabe, well, he's Gabe....keeping us in stitches!!

I leave you with a conversation between Craig and I last week....

Craig [holding his khaki shorts by pushing his finger through a hole in the back]: These shorts have a hole in them. I forgot. I am going to have to iron the others.
Me: Good luck with the iron. [We've babied our iron for about two months - it spits water and makes one's pants have the appearance of being urinated on after using it. We should buy a new one but we don't want to spend the money. Makes perfect sense.]
Craig [holding up the 2nd pair of khaki shorts] : I immediately regret the decision to NOT examine the crotch of my shorts last night...these have a freakin' hole in them too!
Me: Yes, checking the crotch of your shorts is imperative.

Now you know why my kids say the things that they do...As always, even with khaki shorts that show a little too much, life is good :)

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