Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Keeper of the Roly Poly

Today was a long day in my classroom. I finally [heck, I've only had all summer] started unpacking boxes and putting things away. I guess, since I've put all that crap up, that I have to go back to work. [Well that and the fact that I have little habits like wanting to eat and have a roof over my head.] Speaking of crap, [don't hear that much do ya?] I have a ton of it. I have carried around a large bag of popcorn kernels and some pink wire since I taught fourth grade over 8 years ago. For what reason? [I was really hoping you could tell me.] I just can't part with it...even though I do not teach electricity or the science of popcorn. Again, there's a ton of crap that I could part with but what if I need it?

Today was a fun day with the babies. I took Emma and Gabe with me to work in my room so that Molly and Cooper could sleep a little bit. [Actually, I left them a list of chores to do and I knew if Emma and Gabe were at home then they wouldn't get anything done.] While we were in my classroom they played principal and secretary. Of course, [because we are completely stereotypical here at the Short house] Emma was the nurse and Gabe was the principal. Emma was Nurse Caldwell and Gabe was Principal Fort. Emma pretended to call every student to the office to give them a flu shot while Gabe pretended to take care of kids that were acting up. Just listening to them made putting up all of my crap so much easier and way more fun.

Craig bought me some beautiful hanging baskets for Mother's Day. They were some kind of petunia hybrid. They were gorgeous until...they began to smell like manure. You heard it right folks, manure. Straight up stink. [I have no green thumbs so I was super proud of these until they started stinking then I blamed it on Craig for buying them. Pass the buck. It works.] Cooper and I took them to the dump, along with some other stuff, and Gabe asked to ride with us. In his tiny, dirty little fingers he held a roly poly. "We find these all the time at daycare. I love them." Coop took a look at it and said, "Ummm....I think that one is a asleep permanently Gabe." [You know, dead. Geez....] Gabe's response? "Cooper I think I know alot about them and they always look like this when you hold them. They make a ball and I know." Self proclaimed king of the roly poly right here in my house - who knew?

Molly is working on tolerance and would appreciate your prayers [or at the very least stop doing things that irritate her so much]. She is JUST LIKE HER DADDY! It is scary. [Of course, my legacies are Cooper and Emma so I can't say a thing.] She has one plan in her head [HER plan] and when things don't go her way then she's "annoyed" or "irritated" or "everything is stupid." Tolerance. I tell her, "Everyone ain't like you sister." [That annoys her.] I tell Craig the same thing [but I don't call him sister] and he's working on it. I know I'm not perfect ['bout time you folks were privy to that little news nugget] and there are lots of things I have to work on [and Craig frequently reminds me of that] and I am trying as well. Apparently, after Craig's little workshop today he has pegged me as the classic right brain learner ~ random, disorganized, creative, not punctual, and spontaneous ~ I hate it when he's right about me. [He probably organized and alphabetized all those words before he read them to me. Left brain people are boring.] So what if I am not quite sure which drawers of my dresser hold work-out clothes, tshirts, or pajamas? It's my stuff. I don't worry that your stuff isn't disorganized so don't worry about mine. Glad we had this discussion.

We had a guest minister this past Sunday and he discussed having a "mercy filter" when you are talking to others that might "grate" at your nerves [hint, hint Molly]. We are all guilty because we are human. In fact, it really stepped on my toes. It also made me think about lots of situations and how I have handled them and how I could have shown mercy but I didn't. Craig's been dealing with some issues and struggling with some decisions and this message was timely for him as well. He and I had a long discussion tonight about some "gossip" pertaining to him and he really was upset. I found myself saying [outloud] "Mercy filter!" I told him that we cannot change what people say only how we react to their words. Besides, God's got bigger plans for him and that is where he needs to put his focus. I love my favorite coach but I also know that God's desire isn't for us to be comfortable but to find comfort in Him. Prayers are appreciated :)

Tomorrow begins a new year at school. I would be telling a lie if I said I was super excited because I am not. [Honesty is always best isn't it?] I think it's just the anxiety of getting my room ready - that is just stressful. I love teaching science. I simply love teaching. Once I get my crap out and where I want it, then it will feel more like my home away from home and all will be good.

As always, life as a Short, is really awesome :)

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