Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Stuck on John Mayer and Other Random Bits

My iPod is stuck on John Mayer. As in, it's only playing the 10 songs that I have on it by John Mayer and I can't make it change. I can do that whole press the menu while pressing the silver button in the middle to reset it thing but when I do then it just gets stuck on whatever playlists or artists I try to listen to [which can be bad if you get stuck on "Coop-Dog's Rap/Rock mix that I somehow ended up with] so I've given up. I mean seriously, if I gotta get stuck on someone it might as well be the soulful voice of John Mayer :)

So some little chick-a-dee at the nursery supposedly has a crush on my Gabe. Here's the conversation he had with his pops on Saturday:
Gabe: This girl at my school has a crush on me.
Craig: She does? Well what is her name?
Gabe: Jayden. I think she wants to kiss me.
Craig: Really? [But you know he was secretly, in that big head of his, saying "Atta boy!"]
There you have it folks - my four year old is a chick magnet.
I can say this with 100% certainty - God sent Molly and Cooper first so that I would be rested and prepared for Emma and Gabe. Emma can't wait to go to college - 'cause in college you can have a boyfriend and kiss him. [Note to self: Only allow Emma to apply to colleges she can commute to from home. Or, better yet, go to college with Emma.]

My heart is sad tonight as I say goodbye to my favorite Wednesday night people....Goodbye Coach Taylor. Goodbye Tim Riggins [though I can Google you]. Goodbye Matt Saracen. Goodbye Becky [stay with Luke]. Goodbye Billy [You could so be a member of my family]. Goodbye Buddy Garrity. Goodbye Dillon Panthers. Goodbye Friday Night Lights. Why do the good shows have to go off the air? Why can't they take off those dumb reality shows? Seriously, shallow, bimbos lookin' for love in all the wrong places [The Bachelor/Bachelorette] get all the glory. The Amazing Race is not so Amazing anymore - you've worn it out already! They race to the Pit Stop, eat some rat turds while climbing down a 500ft building dressed like Spiderman, and if they get their last? I'm sorry but you have been EEEliminated [that dude always puts an emphasis on the E]. America's Got Talent and American Idol - I just get totally POd watching them make fun of people. So You Think You Can Dance, Dancing with the Stars - OMG....let it go! So my family's favorite show is going off the air and all this other garbage is staying put. Guess I'm back to watching the paint peel.

Right now we are watching the Carolina-Duke game. Craig makes me so nervous. He paces and yells and decides [about 3 minutes into the first half] that the game is over if Carolina isn't in the lead. He is not your the-cup-is-half-full kinda guy. He's more like your you-drank-it-all-and-gave-me-a-dirty-cup-back kind of guy. I like to refer to him as Mr. Pessimistic [And Chief No Butt, Mr. Don't-Talk-to-Me-in-the-Morning, and Coach]. I fuss at him for having such a bad attitude - it makes his attitude worse. [That whole kick a dead horse thing just doesn't do much for me does it?] I guess, after all these years, [and countless pacing during games] that I should just get over it. If you want me to be utterly and completely honest I DON'T CARE! I am a Tarheel fan but basketball ain't my sport. It's just a game and God willing, the sun will rise tomorrow, no matter who wins.

As always, life as a Short [even during ballgames] couldn't be any sweeter :)

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