Friday, February 11, 2011

Edge of Insanity (And Dipping My Toe....)

Gabe was just sick, about two weeks ago, with strep throat. [Remember the whole spitting monkey scenerio I described?] Fast forward to Valentine's Day ~ the day of love and roses and chocolate:

[Phone rings in classroom, right in the midst of the properties lab]: This is Ms. Navey. Emma has a fever and says her throat hurts.
Me [holding Erlenmeyer with denture tablet and balloon, looking like a dork]: Ok. Let me find someone to cover my class and I'll come get her.
Ms. Navey: This is how it has started in our room. EVERYONE has it.
Me: Why does Emma have to be a crowd follower?

Get her home, get her some medical attention, and let her rest. Fast forward another two hours:

Me [Feeling Gabe's head]: You are warm. Do you feel OK?
Gabe: Where's my Valentine's bag?
Me: Does anything hurt?
Gabe: Just my feet. I want my candy.
Me: Your feet?
Gabe: Yeah - you know [pointing to his feet] my feet are hurting. Give me my candy please.

So now, I am at home with two sick kids and Short's at softball tryouts. So Gabe and I trudged off to the doctor, during sick hours, to find out why he has a fever of 102 degrees. [I ruled out sticking his head in the oven and near spontaneous combustion] Now it gets better...

Picture this - a car pulls up to the door and drops off a man. He appears to be weak so he walks towards the wheelchairs in the outer lobby and stops. The woman who dropped him off goes to park the car. I peer out the door and he look as if he might pass out. Here lies my dilemma - do I get up and help him or let him fall over? Honestly, I was scared to walk towards him - he looked bad. Poor fella made it in to the lobby and he laid down on one of the couches. And then, he began to cough, and cough bad. This wasn't just a clearing my throat or I've got a tickle kind of cough. This was more like a Typhoid Mary or Bubonic Plague sort of cough. This was one of those coughs that made me want to run, quickly, out the door. [Seriously? Who wants to breathe in this germ filled air? Not me!] Thankfully, for him and me, they called him back immediately. I seriously was waiting for the ambulance to pull up to take him to the ER.

Two sick kids...two antibiotics....a running tally of motrin and tylenol and medicine for both. Bless their baby hearts :(

Between sickness, softball tryouts [I am Short's closest and most trusted advisor on all things softball], GWU, and my J-O-B, I'm feeling a bit InSaNe. [ how is that different than any other time?] All this stress makes for a good workout. [So then why don't I weigh a buck 'o five right now?]

As always, even when Mom's a little crazy [Ummm...all the time] , life is good :)

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