Sunday, August 15, 2010

Teeth, Trashcans, and Underwear

My children were at it again typical Short children fashion. A friend, Robin, came by to see the house and my children acted like goofballs. [Which, of course, has to come from their father's side of the family.] First of all, Cooper [Who is old enough to know better] comes flying into the dining room to tell me that he has a tooth that is loose and bleeding. Forgive me if I am wrong but ewwwww!! Teeth gross me out anyway [I don't pull them for my children - remember that I don't deal with blood - so Craig has to pull them] and I sure didn't want to deal that while visiting with Robin. Seriously, was that necessary at that moment? He's almost 12 - it's not like this is the first tooth he's ever lost....GEEZ! Later, he came through from his room with his hand in his mouth, digging in his tooth. GROSS!!! [Again, acting like his daddy's side of the family :)]

Of course, it goes without saying that Gabriel was running around in his underwear. Today he was giving Robin random bits of information like "Hey, we got this out of storage!" and "Do you know what my name is?" [I guess it could have been worse since he has been known to parade around in just his undies - today he did still have on his collared shirt from church.] He did end up, outside, in the storage room, climbing on his underwear.

Next comes Emma and she has this sudden fascination with climbing on the trashcan to get onto the counter - only she chooses to do it when there are guests over. So, as Robin and I are talking about the upcoming school year, Emma is taking flying leaps on the trashcan and climbing on my counter. [And, it was 5pm and she was in her pjs from the Sunday afternoon Short family nap...seriously, could be we be anymore redneck?]

Really, do the Short kids have to act like they are being raised by neanderthals all of the time? Is it so much to ask to:
1. Have Gabe in some kind of clothing that covers his body during company?
2. Keep Emma from climbing the walls, literally, like she's never been around humans before in her life?
3. Somehow contain Cooper's inappropriate actions [teeth pulling] and random comments [OMG - 11 years of age is going to KILL ME!] while people are visiting?
Poor old Molly...bless her heart.

Gabe and the "karen-dunken" machine was priceless today! [Karen-dunken = karaoke for those of you not up to par in the language of Gabenese.] America's GOTS Talent [That is how Gabe says it] was front and center on Fulton Drive! Apparently there is praise to Jesus for brains and hearts according to Emma and her rendition of Jesus Loves the Little Children. [Again...acting like their daddy. You know he just performed his THIRD show as Elvis last weekend. I promise people, I could not make this up if I tried. I have proof below]

Back to the land of the working folk tomorrow...not sure yet how I feel about that one. Life is good...even when you're children are pulling teeth, running around in their skivvies, and climbing the trashcans :)

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