Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Hooker Makeup, A Line in the Sand, and Other Fairly Odd Observations

I found some eye shadow under the sink in my bathroom.  I am thinking my mom gave it to me when she was cleaning out her bathroom. [That or Craig's got some explaining to do about a girlfriend...]  I had to use it yesterday because mine broke and had to be thrown in the trash. I didn't pay much attention to the writing inside the case until the second or third time I used it.  

It is hooker makeup. [Not really.  Or maybe it is.  I don't know.]

The eye shadow colors have names like....


Lap Dance

Pink Cheeks

Satin Sheets

It made laugh thinking about who named these colors. Who looks at eye shadow and says, "Hey! That color reminds me of a lap dance"?  

[I haven't asked Craig about the girlfriend thing yet so I am hoping it came from my mom....which sorta creeps me out even more....]

I am thinking of selling my kidney.  [I suppose I could sell just a kid but I think that is frowned upon in our country.]  Prices of groceries are killing us.  We spend a small fortune [and that is no exaggeration] every single month.  I mean, even the stinkin' cows are in on it. [There is a conspiracy among the heifers...and I'm not talkin' about your in-laws.]  I've tried coupons but honestly, right now, I do not have the time to keep up with them. [What?  You have time to blog but no time to cut coupons?  You must be stupid. I might be.] Its just hard to keep them organized [Have you seen my desk at school? My dresser? I am special.]  I am keeping my fingers crossed that if I can survive until school ends I can get into a groove with coupons to save money on groceries. [Until then its a lot of cheapo dinners for the Shorties....cooked with love.]

Have you ever taken your toe and drawn a line in the sand?  Maybe a stick? What about mixaphorically? [Gotta love some O'Brother!!]  

What exactly does this "line in a sand" thing mean anyway?  

For some people it means I throw in the towel.  Done.

For others, it means no compromise available.

For me it simply means... 

I am tired.

Honestly, I have lost faith in some people. 

I have learned there are some fiercely mean and extraordinarily selfish people that have trampled all over any sort of civility before speaking or acting towards me, my husband, my children, my colleagues, my friends, my students.....

Some have been students.  I've never seen entitlement rear its ugly head like I have this year. 

Some have been parents.  Wow.  I am amazed when mole hills become huge mountains then mudslides when simple consequences [we are talking more like non-existent-except-on-paper kinds of punishments] are given to children for not following rules.  

The honest truth is that I am relatively laid back in the classroom and I am not one of those looking for something to happen all the time.  As the old saying goes, I choose my battles because I know that kids will be kids and EVERYONE [including yours truly] has a bad day sometimes. 

I guess it is really easy to blame the teacher these days...after all, we only work 10 months a year, get all holidays off, and from what I've heard, don't do a lot anyway.  It's clearly OK that some middle schoolers should be able to do what they want, when they choose, with total disregard for those trying to learn. I get it now...makes sense.  

I will defend my kids like crazy if they are being treated wrongly but let's be completely real for a moment [if that is possible] and think about what I just said...IF.  

Let's play a game....Guess Which One I Chose?

Here is the scenario: My son comes in a few months ago and tells me that a teacher is going to give him detention if he is late one more time. 

Did I....

A. Fly off the handle, contact the teacher, and tell him that he was absolutely out of line for thinking he was going to give my son detention for being late and then tell him that there are plenty of other kids that act way worse than my son, that are late every day?


B. Ask my son why he was late to class so much [to which he says, "All the kids going that way are slow"] and then proceed to tell him to get his A** to class or have detention?

[cue the Jeopardy music here]

If you answered B then you know me well.  Is it the teacher's fault my son can't get across the road in a timely manner?  [If you need time to think about that then you need to be punched in the throat.]  NO!  It is my son's responsibility [now there is a word that is slowly being fazed out of education] to get to class on time or face the consequences [incidentally the definition of consequences is a result or effect of an action or condition...yeah, nothing in there about blaming everyone around you].    

Now don't get me wrong [wasn't that a Chrissy Hines and the Pretenders song?], I ain't perfect nor am I perfect parent.  I make LOTS of mistakes.  But I have learned [in 18 years in this business] that sometimes my kids will make it look a lot worse than it is or they want things to swing in their direction so they make themselves look like victims.  Truth is, most of the time, Short and I can help them come to a simple solution by talking about the why of something that they don't agree with and then let them know it is OK to be frustrated. [And it truly is OK to be frustrated.]  And 99.9% of the time, the issue at hand is either resolved or we find a way to work through it - and those are in good and bad situations.  

These situations are called LIFE LESSONS and we owe it to our children to let them learn these before they go out on their own.  

So you get detention for being late too many times - BE RESPONSIBLE AND GET TO CLASS ON TIME!

You don't get to start in the game - BE DETERMINED TO HUSTLE AND STEP UP AT PRACTICE!

You "forgot" to study so you cheated on a test - BE MATURE ENOUGH TO ADMIT THE MISTAKE AND STUDY HARDER NEXT TIME!

I mean those things worked for me growing up.  My daddy didn't take any excuses from me.  I appreciated it then and even more now. 

I lied in second grade to my teacher and the ENTIRE class about winning a gymnastics competition.  My mom made me apologize to the teacher and the ENTIRE class. No one defended me to the teacher. 

Life lessons are tough but worth it.

[I am probably going to catch to heck for this this stage in the game I. DO. NOT. CARE.] 

My husband was confronted by a parent, in front of my youngest child, another coach, and several players, and was told that they "could settle it in the road." [ this like a duel or something?  Or a joust?  Oh...I see, you want to fight it out like middle schoolers.] The parent told my husband that he wasn't much of a Christian or a man if he fussed at his team like Short did after the loss. His reason?  The team lost but he didn't agree with my husband [aka THE HEAD COACH] fussing so harshly at the first baseman [aka OUR DAUGHTER] and the other players.  

Excuse me?  I have a few questions for you....

  1. Do you want a coach that doesn't fuss when a team doesn't play to their potential?
  2. I didn't know that a dad couldn't fuss at his daughter when she made a boneheaded play while running that a rule somewhere?
  3. Was the fact that Short fussed at his daughter a crime?  He didn't touch her, belittle her, cuss at her, etc.
  4. What right does this man [I use that term very loosely] have to question what we do with our daughter?  [I'll answer that one for you - absolutely none.]
  5. Did he ever stop to think that verbalizing threats gets you in a whole heap of trouble?  [I'll answer this one too - no.] 

Let me paint this picture for you:  This parent thought he observed "abusive" behavior [aka getting your tail chewed because you just got beat by a team that shouldn't have beaten you]  towards my daughter [who was sitting with 15+ other players and coaches] and other players.  He then thought that gave him the right to confront a female coach then block my husband's truck in the parking lot and threaten him, in front of his son, another coach, and players.

Where in the world is this kind of behavior, by anyone, acceptable and why in the world do educators and coaches have to continue to put up with it?  

Yes. Here it is.
My line in the sand.  



  1. AMEN. Make it a double line sister, with mine RIGHT next to yours. Love you, sending prayers.

  2. No wonder students act out! These parents are "genious"! No really they are pure genious!

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