I broke up with my love.
It was time we parted ways.
This relationship was going no where. [Except my waist.]
That is correct ~ I am no longer a drinker.
I gave up Diet Sundrop. Say it AIN'T so!!! That's correct ladies and gentlemen....it is over....for a lot of reasons:
1. I am doing a Bible study on my new Nexus tablet [given to me by my favorite coach ♥ and the Shorties] about fasting on something that takes away from my focus on my walk with Christ. [Some of you are shaken the noggin' right now....stay with me.] The study suggest that I give up something that cost me money and then give what I would have spent in those three weeks to honor Christ. [I am thinking in 3 weeks I could have $300 or so. Seriously.]
2. What a waste of money. Those things are ridiculous on the pocketbook. [And let's be honest ('cause no one likes a liar) the Shorties could use some moolah these days.]
3. I am not getting any younger. [Trust me, Gabe reminds me, DAILY about how old I am getting. Thanks Gabe.]
So there you have it. The affair is out and it is over. Wonder if I'll make headline news like that Broadwell chick and Petraeus? I'll keep you posted....
My 30s were, well, [for lack of a better word] FAT for me. Just fat. I've been the fattest I've EVER been in my life for the past decade. Time for that to end. [Notice this is not a love affair like Diet Sundrop and me. F-A-T I hate you. Sincerely hate you.] 10 years have been spent trying to squeeze into my clothes. 10 years spent not liking what I see in the mirror. 10 years of F-A-T. No more. I do not like thinking that I didn't go to my 20 year reunion because I was too F-A-T and embarassed. I am not going to spend the next 10 years being the fat girl, having a hard time finding clothes, and feeling embarassed in EVERY single picture that is taken of me. I've started off pretty good - been running since October and trying to really watch what I eat [sometimes that has included watching Peppermint Patties and ice cream going in my mouth...] - so hopefully that will pay off. Of course, in typical I-Am-Male-Just-Let-Me-Mutter-Weight-Loss-And-AUTOMATICALLY-Lose-25-Pounds fashion my favorite coach has already lost about three times what I've lost [no, no....I'm not a bit jealous....*$#@*&^%]. So here's to you, Fat 30s....be gone!!
In other Shortie adventures we had a fantastically awesome and blessed Christmas. As always, all the time, God was so good to all of us. [I ain't talkin' about the gifts.] He gave us time with family and friends. He kept us safe. My Jesus #ROCKS!
We did have to visit the funeral home and, in Gabe fashion, it turned out funnier than we expected. I anticipated some questions [this ain't my first rodeo] from the militant midget so I tried to explain some things upfront. I told him about the casket, about the flowers, about seeing the person in the casket and that he didn't have to look. I explained that we would go through and look and then tell the family that we were sorry for their loss.
I should have known with the first question:
Gabe: What did they lose?
Me: Their mommy and grandmother.
Gabe: Well where did she go?
Me: Well her body stayed here but her soul is with Jesus. She is alive with Jesus.
Gabe: Without her body?
Me [changing the subject]: What do you want for Christmas Gabe?
Later, just before entering the family room, I get this question:
Gabe: So just what do they do with that hasket? [Thank goodness I am well-versed in Gabenese and knew he meant casket.]
Me: What do you mean what do they do with it?
Gabe: Well do they just take it back outside for someone else to use next?
Me: No. Remember visiting the cemetaries in Washington, DC? They take the haskets, I mean caskets, to the cemetaries and bury them.
Gabe: Oh. That makes sense.
And finally, after entering the family room, he spotted the casket and his eyes got huge as he grabbed my hand:
Gabe: Where are her legs? Did they cut them off?!
Me: No baby, they just open the top of the has- casket so you can tell her goodbye. He legs are in the bottom part.
Gabe: Thank goodness!
If you are looking for sophistication and what-not you ain't gonna get it here. This is just plain, honest [usually irrreverent] truth from the mouth of my babes.
On a serious note, please keep Scotty Hill in your prayers. He is a current student who is battling stage 4 cancer. He is fighting this beast already and I know that God is firmly holding Scotty and his family in His mighty hands. Pray for continued support of the family, for Scotty to be able to eat and overcome sickness, and for wisdom of the doctors that are treating Scotty.
On the flip side, a former student [and one of my all-time favorite people - EVER] Mr. Jay Robinson got a great report from his recent MRI. He was diagnosed as a fifth grader with a brain stem tumor and has endured surgeries, radiation, and the effects of radiation. He found out, just before Christmas, that the tumor is stable, looks smaller, and that he is in good shape to continue being awesome! Jeremiah 29:11 says that Jesus has a hope and a future for us. For Me. For you. For Scotty. For Jay! Love ya Jaybird!!
As always, life as a Shortie, is awesome! Thanks for reading!
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