There's been a lot going on with the Shorties. Between school and sports and homework and work and church and stuff we really ain't sure if we are coming or going [but be guaranteed that we are running late..I cannot help is my ONE flaw]. It's bad that when we are spending a lot of time texting and calling just so we can stay connected. I would settle for a slow down right now but I ain't seeing that in my future. If I weren't such a smart alec I would get me a tag for my car that said "Mom's Taxi" but then I'd be forced to make fun of myself. [Why not join the crowd?]
Speaking of making fun, I am pretty certain the cafeteria lady was making fun of me today. I had a meeting that went into my lunch time. Today was that day that I woke up super late so I didn't get to fix my lunch [yes, there are advantages to doing that the night before but that means I've got to get up off the couch, stop watching Duck Dynasty and Moonshiners and put myself ahead of the game....ain't nobody got time for that] so I was forced to eat lunch at school. Well since the meeting lasted until the end of lunch I was in the line AFTER it closed. And one lunch lady said something to the one taking my money, they both looked, then laughed. Not going to lie when I say I felt a little like a middle schooler. That's my last day eating semi-edbile food from the cafeteria. I will stick it to the man [or at least the mean lunch lady].
Tonight I had one of those moments that makes my blood boil - don't mess with my children. It will all work out [because I will have some satisfaction] and it is a life lesson. I've said it once and I'll say it again ~ You want to see 7 different kinds of crazy then mess with one my kids.
The whole situation was put into perspective when I really stopped to think about what it really important. My children are happy and healthy. Three of the four have had their salvation sealed by asking Jesus to live in them. They have dreams and aspirations. Each of them is uniquely loved by Craig and me.
Today I realized that some parents are denied the opportunity to love and admire their children. They can't do homework and count out 100 stickers at 9:30pm because their children are sick or missing or gone to Heaven. Today I realized that while I am very upset about a situtation I am equally heartbroken for a student who is fighting for his life. This made me think, "What right do I have to put so much emphasis on this really insignificant issue?" None. Absolutely none. God doesn't have any intentions of me spending time on this situation when others are facing death so young.
Tomorrow a student will celebrate his 14th birthday. Tomorrow KMMS will celebrate his strength. Tomorrow I will get up and make sure all 4 Shorties get out the door [maybe on time and maybe not...the jury is still out on that one] and get to school. Tomorrow this student will get up and hope that he can visit his classmates and friends on ScottySTRONG day. Tomorrow it really won't matter that I felt as if my son got a grade he didn't deserve.
Scotty didn't ask for cancer. He didn't ask to walk this road at such a young age.
So my petty issues with online classes and missing assigments and levels really are just that - petty. God has bigger plans. His design in perfect. His timing is impeccable. His wisdom is infinite.
Tomorrow, where ever you are, stop and think about being ScottySTRONG. Stop and say a prayer for Scotty Hill. Stop and thank God for all your troubles and sorrows as much as you thank Him for the good times.
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