Cooper got a set of drums for his birthday. [No, we don't have a mean-spirited person who is trying to get back at us. The child has asked for them for his birthday or Christmas for the past four years so Paw Paw finally gave in and bought them.] He's actually not too bad for a complete rookie. It's funny to watch Gabe and Emma dance while he's playing. I am quite sure the honeymoon will wear off and I'll be ready to kill him for playing them but for now we are good. It was even funnier to see Craig playing them [Pretty fly for a white guy :)]
So we're driving down the road just over a week ago and BAM! out of nowhere this idiot hits us on the passenger's side. He ran a stop sign and plowed into the front of my car. He got out, shouted to us to see if everyone is OK then HE DROVE OFF. That's right...but his sorry, narrow behind back in his car and left me and two kids with our car standing in the middle of the road. [Not to mention he yelled something very ugly out the car door as he drove by. Bad enough he hit us but now he's cussing us out!] Surpisingly, I stayed fairly calm [Not going to lie, I can have a mouth like a sailor when I get that angry. I am not proud of that but it is the truth. I am working on it....] and I didn't get upset at the time. Now, the more I think about it the madder it makes me. [And don't think that I haven't driven ALL over KM looking for a wrecked, older model black Lexus because I'm going to find him. As my dad would say, "I'm going to get some satisfaction."]
Doing well at the Y and even talked Short into going with me. We go around 8 and work out from 8 - 9 [because no one is in there to see me!!!] . I like the treadmill and have actually done really well on it so far. I really enjoy going - thanks again to whomever thought enough about me to get me are a wonderfully kind person!!
Our sermon at church today was about doing what you should do to draw closer to God and stop being an obstacle to all of the wonderful things God wants to do in your life. One thing Brother Chip touched on was to stop making excuses, then he made reference to make excuses for being late. [And if you know me then you realize that I have what is termed chronic in early is not in my in neither is on time...most of the time fashionably late also gets the boot. Ask my parents and my sister - they don't count me ever being somewhere when I say I'm going to be there.] Then Brother Chip made the statement that put it all in perspective: If you are late then you are incompetent and lack control over your life. in, GET OFF MY TOES kind of statement. I know Craig was snickering to himself and Cooper wa staring holes through my head. Ok, so I've been late a few [million] times...I'm a busy person. But incompetent? Lack control over my life? But it is true and was sort of a wake up call. I can do better. I will do better. I will stop making excuses and blaming others. [I will wake up @ 6am instead of 6:30am.]
As always, life as a Short is LOUD and AWESOME!
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