This year, since Emma's in the first grade and loves writing, she wanted to write her own list. It took her about an hour...and once you see the list you will understand why:
1. iPad [If I ain't gettin' one she ain't neither...just sayin']
2. iPod [Yes, the letter "I" is significant to the Diva]
3. Case for both the iPad and iPod [She covered everything!!!]
4. Zoo! Zoo! pets [That would be Zhu Zhu]
5. Ariel vanity set
6. Nintendo DS
7. Nintendo DS games
8. Wii games for girls [She is such a DIVA]
9. Barbie Jet
10. Barbie stuff
11. Barbie camera
12. Barbies
13. Crayons, markers, and other art stuff [Because the 4,689 markers, crayons, and colored pencils that are currently floating around our house are not enough]
14. Pocketbooks [She takes after her momma]
15. Rainboots
16. puzzles
17. Games
18. Baby Alive All Gone [She's got a baby brother - what does she need with a baby doll that pees and poops?]
Every few days she adds things to the list. I hope Santa has patience and a wad of cash!!
Gabe's list was short and sweet:
1. Mans [Like action figures...and again, he's got 679 already]
2. Cars [He also has 8,647 of these]
3. A Batman Cave [Hey, if Christian Bale comes with it I am all over that one!!!]
4. Baseball hat, baseball glove, baseball bat, and a baseball suit [Funny, he didn't ask for the baseball.]
Of course when he's watching TV or in the store he wants EVERYTHING he sees.
I had to pry Cooper's list out of him [and it's written on a napkin] :
1. Oregon attire [The boy lives 3000 miles from Oregon, lives in the backyard of some truly awesome college football, and has never been to Oregon yet he's the Ducks biggest fan.]
2. Under Armour
3. Skull candy headphones [Old school that cost about 28 times more than a set of regular headphones]
4. Jerseys - LeBron James, Kareem Abdul Jabaar [How does he know him?], and a Miami Heat. [He wants the authentic ones too. Is "Santa" made of money or what?]
5. Drums
6. Wii Games
7. High top Zigs [Why didn't I come up with Silly Bandz and squiggly bottomed Reeboks? Where is the justice in this world?]
8. Boots
And finally, Molly Moo [Who is the hardest kid to buy for because she never has liked the stuff most kids like - go figure.]
1. Under Armour [Really? We keep them in business.]
2. Books [I love, love, love the fact that books are always on her list - that's my girl]
3. Music [She would be happy with $600 worth of iTunes gift cards]
4. Clothes [She was extremely specific about what she wanted and from where...she kills surprising her!!!]
5. Camera
Needless to say, we have our work cut out for us. Good thing I live with Santa. [You thought his name was Craig but this time of year the budget Nazi throws caution to the wind and actually relishes spending every last dime. I wish I could get a little of that love when I mention I saw some cool boots on sale.] The man loves him some Christmas shopping. He is the happiest man on Christmas Eve when it's time to get the loot and put it out...I love it!! Just one more thing that I adore about being married to him ♥
This is what I want for Christmas:
1. Time in the kitchen to bake for teachers, at church and school, friends, and family
2. The smells of cinnamon and cloves cooking on the stove
3. To bake with my girls, my mom, and my sister
4. Breakfast at my parents house for Christmas Eve
5. To have paper thrown at me by Greg and Dewayne at Aunt Clara's house
6. Gifts that sit under the tree and tease the children [And Craig - he's worse than any of them about gifts - TRUST ME!]
7. Carollers at my house
8. New PJs from my mom ♥
9. The love and hugs of my children and my husband ♥
10. Several nights of Christmas Vacation and A Christmas Story
Last but no least....
11. Joy [And there is a lot of that here already....God is so good]
It really is the most wonderful time of the year ♥
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