There is a lot going on in my brain right now [and some of you just said, "She has a brain? Huh...whoda thunkit?"] so've been warned.
Insurance SUCKS. Just in case you didn't hear me....INSURANCE SUCKS. Let me back up and 'splain this situation:
Mid-April we begin to notice ants in our bathroom. [Now I do not profess to be the best housekeeper but ants?] I did a little bit of research and found they were probably being attracted to a water source AND/OR rotting wood. [Hmmmm......the assumption is that the bathroom should contain water but not rotting wood...not the case.] Short calls a contractor and long story short, we have a MAJOR problem under the bathroom. In the midst of this discovery we also found a soft spot in the floor [and I don't profess to be a rocket scientist either but I know that a soft spot in the floor of the bathroom ain't a good sign at all] that was being caused by the water problem. So where exactly is the water leaking from and what are we going to do about the problem? Seems no one can tell us for sure where the water is leaking from - could be the tub, sink, or toilet - but the answer is not clear until we tear it out to fix the problem.
Allow me to ask you a question [it's my blog and I can do what I want - I don't really need your permission] and see what you think about our predicament: If the floor is rotting and in danger of collapsing and said leak is coming from somewhere but no one is sure should that be covered by homeowner's insurance? [The same company that we've had for over 9 years, without a homeowner's claim EVER being filed and only one minor claim for a road hazard issue on a brand new car.] This was the response: We do not cover claims for damage done by water [even if the insured (aka me and Short) had no clue that the water was leaking AND still do not know where the leak is coming from], water vapor, or humidity under an existing structure. We consider this a pre-existing condition [meaning Short and I ignored a major leak THAT WE DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT UNTIL WE CALLED THEM] and we do not cover pre-existing conditions.
Well ain't that a kick in the pants? [Let's see...YES!] No worries insurance company - I've got PLENTY of cash hidden away for a complete bathroom makeover. It honestly could be a double bathroom makeover if they discover the leak is actually coming from our bathroom...wouldn't that just be peachy? I suppose we should spend some more time in our crawl space or something. I don't get all. Not going to lie - we are trying NOT to worry about the money and where it will come from BUT we are worried. We are trying to work a few angles to get it torn out and put back together but so far, we aren't sure. The insurance just crapped on us [100% for sure] yesterday so we are going to drop back and punt and figure it out.
Just how God works though...On our way to a salvage place to buy a vanity for the bathroom makeover [wish some of those people that seem to find other strangers in Home Depot and redo rooms in houses would find me...I am guessing they don't hang out at the Salvage Depot] we passed a sign that said: His plan is still good Jeremiah 29:11. Yes, His plan is still good.
Enough about Gabe got to show off his skillz at the Kindergarten talent show today. He loves to do anything and everything that Cooper does or has ever done. Cooper has written and performed his own raps at several talent shows. [Yes, he takes after his mother. autographs - this is about Gabe...I shouldn't be stealing his thunder.] Gabe chose a song from one of his favorite Christian rappers, Lecrae, and peformed it today. Love that kid! He told me today that his classmates laugh at him because he is the class clown [thank you Captain Obvious] but he loves to make them laugh. How can you argue with that?
Pray for my Cooper and for his heart. When his heart hurts then my heart aches. Nothing is quite as painful as seeing tears falling from the eyes of your 14 year old son and not being able to fix a thing. He is a good boy [not perfect by any stretch] and he wears his heart right on his sleeve. I know he will be OK. Remember, His plan is still good. My tears have come equally as easy over the last few hours as I have watched Coop beat himself up. [Broken hearts suck as much as insurance...and mayo...and public toilets...and Duke basketball. Word.] My boy will be OK..and so will I.
1.5 days and this school year is behind us. Woo hoo! Today was just plain awesome - I had so much fun just laughing and dancing [yes, I dance...scary I know] with my students. We had field day and yearbook signing - good stuff. [Incidentally, lesson learned: If you leave your cell phone on the bleachers with a bunch of 8th graders you are going to have lots of pictures of those 8th graders..and videos...made my day!]
As always, even if we are falling through the floor of the bathroom, life as a Short is awesome :)
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