Emma's visit was a little more successful as far as cavities go...she didn't have one. She's had one or two [again, we do brush their teeth....Molly and Coop have never had one] but none this time. However, the last visit she had a baby tooth that was sort of hanging on for dear life between two permanent teeth. The dentist told me that it really wasn't much of a tooth [I'm not sure how that happens but I didn't question him - he's the one with all the degrees from dental school on the wall...I just teach 8th grade science] and that it needed to come out ASAP. Love, love, love our dentist but pulling teeth is not in my mommy job description. [What? You think of this as a "job"? I know some of you are saying this...puhhhhllllleassseeee! I don't do blood and pulling teeth sometimes requires blood and that excludes moi. Go ahead and judge me. I don't care. Really] Craig pulls the teeth in our house and so far, in the last six months, the Diva has not let him near the tooth that apparently isn't really a tooth. He looks at me, "Do you want me to numb the gum and get this tooth out?" Grrreeaaattt....now I have to make the decision as Emma vehemently [big ol word there] shakes her baby head with huge eyes. "Yes, please pull the....er.....tooth...thing." So he pulls it and it turns out there were no roots to the "tooth" just a bunch of tissue [which grossed me out completely] and of course....BLOOD! Two things that gross me out: blood and tissues in the mouth - she had both at the same time....GEEZ....shoot me now!!
We managed to make it to the car [though I will be honest in saying that I couldn't look at Emma] and get home. I just hope the tooth fairy remembers to show up tonight...she/he [I can't quite see the fairy as a "he" but stranger things have happened] has been known to be slack in the past. [It's that poor third kid thing...they get the shaft on everything.]
Later Emma and I rode to the grocery store and Emma informed me that the dentist nurse was really nice. Dentist nurse? "Don't you mean the dental hygienist?" I asked her. "Nope. The dentist nurse. You know the lady that cleaned all my teeth and stuff? She is nice. I like going there." So to anyone who is a dental hygienist you are the dentist nurse to my 8 year old :)
Well so far on my summer vacation I have managed to clean the dishwasher [not like empty it but actually clean it after reading about it on Pinterest] and the washing machine. I have four kids that really want to do things this summer so house cleaning has been easy [*wink, wink*]. I am just enjoying a little bit of down time. It will crank up soon with camps for basketball, softball, church, FCA, etc.so we'll enjoy this time right now. I do have some things to do around here to sort of organize [if you know me well then you know that I ain't my cup'o'tea] and yes, the ideas all came from Pinterest. Don't judge me.
Tonight was a night that I wish I'd had a camera that actually worked on my ghetto phone. I was sitting in the chair and look over to see Gabe in a yoga-type position in the kitchen with a small ball between his feet in the air. He was so in to what he was doing that he didn't even notice me staring at him. He is so tiny still that he looked like an egg laying in the kitchen floor. Later [while Craig was totally into Dallas on TV. Seriously. No joke.] he demonstrated how he can scratch his butt with his arm pips [Gabenese for arm pits] . He will probably join the circus one day. Or a traveling freak show. Or the Reithoffer fair that comes to Cleveland County. I will pay to see him every time he comes to town :)
As always, life here at Shortie Manor is good:)
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