I just have to go down this road a minute [still time to google albino if you need some help] and I mean no disprespect in saying this but is it necessary to continue to discuss the Whitney Houston thing as the first news story, on Facebook, in the newspaper, etc.? Don't get me wrong - I've got her greatest hits album [some of you gonna need to google record album] and she had a phenomenol voice that will probably never be topped - I understand that part. But must we keep hearing the details and her history and then see that same spot of Jennifer Hudson singing a tribute to her over and over and over again? People die, EVERY DAY, defending our country and fighting for freedom yet we never seem to hear enough about these people. Countless people die, way too young, from awful diseases EVERY DAY but we don't sensationalize their deaths. Correct me if I'm wrong [which would only be the second recorded time in my life...in the last two minutes....] but didn't she have a history of alcohol and drug abuse and the toxicology screen will take several weeks? I am 100% certain there is some really good stuff going on the world that should be first story, front page news besides the death of a pop sensation from the 80s. [I hope I didn't overstep the "my opinions" bounds tonight...er, this morning.]
I am doing a Bible study on the life of David and it is terribly fascinating and reassuring. We are currently in week 4 of an 11 week study and I have learned a tremendous amount about what I should be doing to seek God's heart. And it seems like every week a personal struggle or a family issue or other people's burdens will come to mind as I am studying and [as sweet Mickey Heyward would say] God gives me a word, a passage of scripture, some insight, and peace. Not to mention that the fabulous group of women that are on this journey with me have so much wisdom and insight ~ I learn so much from talking with them each week. Thank you God for placing me in the midst of such Godly women :)
As always, life as a Short is really good :)
I came across your blog and loved it. I just had a couple of questions so if you could e-mail me back that would be great. Thanks!