In spite of a wretched summer, where lawmakers in NC proved [once again] that public education is the whipping boy of the state and in light of the recent stirrings on Facebook [and Twitter and the newspaper, etc.] about folks like Kelly Hastings these last two days have bee sort of magical for me.
I've been able to decorate my classroom and have planned the entire next two weeks [unbelievable for the girl who flies by the seat of her pants most of the time] with very little stress. Everything has gone smoothly [with the exception of a few minor glitches like the 8th graders that can't open lockers and the strange looks when I told a group of parents I don't give homework]. I feel like I've hit some sort of school teacher groove or something [is that possible?].
I know that it is nothing that I've done [and certainly we cannot blame a pay increase or for that matter, a little respect from our elected-but-you-best-enjoy-it-now officials] but something that God has blessed me with....yet again. I'm not dumb enough to think that things will be all fantastic this year - this is still the "honeymoon" phase with the lovelies BUT I just know that God can do so much more than I could ever hope or imagine [Ephesians 3:20] and He is making a way for some big things to happen. I am just ÜBER excited about teaching this year.
[Sidenote: I've been out of the loop for a bit. Just haven't been motivated enough to write....but things are changing. Please keep reading. My last post about education here in NC had 527 views but I am more excited God has given me this passion to write from my heart.]
URGENT Prayer Request: A former student [and hero in my book] Scotty Hill, is in a ferocious, uphill, seemingly insurmountable battle with cancer right now. He and his family desperately need our prayers. Please stop whatever you are doing right now and pray for him. God hears our prayers and He has moved so much in Scotty's life. He will continue to move. Just pray for peace for this brave, brave young man and for his family.
As always, life with the amazingly awesome and Jesus-filled Shorties is too good to be true...somebody please pinch me....