Doenote worry gotto Mr. Babato..Donno! Donno
G-A-D-E [It should be G-A-M-E...he spells like me]...Playa! All I wanna do is win win win - no matta what!
Annie are you OK? Are you OK Annie? You've been hit by- you've been struck by...a smoove criminal! [Then he does the MJ heal spin.]
And my personal favorite: Brass monkey..that chunky monkey! Brass monkey chunky, that chunky monkey. He actually will pitch a fit in the car [just like his daddy] if he doesn't get to hear songs he likes [just like his oldest sister, Molly]. He wants an iPod...and he knows how to use Craig's iPod dock to find songs on Molly's iPod. I was listening to John Mayer [I am a HUGE John Mayer fan...the rest of the family? Not so much....but I am mom and I get to do what I want.] and Gabe goes over and changes it to some song that I didn't know. I also included a short clip of Gabe doing some of his MJ moves. [And of course, the kid's in his underwear...maybe he'll be a Chippendale's dancer one Vegas...with the pole dancer: see video below...just sayin']
So Molly and Emma decided to create yet another exercise video. This one has a little more dancing than the first. [Mostly by Molly and some by Emma. Uh hum...we'll get to that later. OMG just about covers it.] You can check out the video below.
I am convinced that Emma will need an intervention before she's 13. Seriously, did you see how she was dancing and moving her rear-end? [Remember the table dancing episode in my classroom with Molly and Emma...I will need serious therapy to get through Emma's teenage years....I am not kidding.] Emma is the DIVA - there is no doubt about that!
Not to gross anyone out [Hey...I'm a mom of four so lots of gross stuff happens at my house.] but Coop had a massive nose bleed this morning. Now, normally, Short handles any blood from cuts, nose bleeds, etc. [I am the resident vomit cleaner - lucky me. We make a good team.] Craig was on his way to Charlotte with Molly for her ball tournament so it's just me, Coop, and the blood that was gushing from his nose [Not to be graphic BUT most definitely over-exaggerating for dramatic effect] in the bathroom. I am gagging the whole time [some mother I am] and poor old Coop was holding his nose and the bridge of his nose b/c I had to vacate the premises. [No sense in having me pass out was there?] I call Craig, in a panic, and he tells me to put something cold on his neck to help the blood flow slow down. "Just grab something from the freezer." I did. It was a pack of frozen pork tenderloin. So now, here we are: Cooper, his bloody nose, his pork chop ice pack, and me, calling from the other room, "Are you OK honey?" I am a great mom....
We stayed at the parents on Friday night. [to swim, get a free meal, and be that much closer to Molly' ball tourney on Saturday.] My mom decided to have a glass of wine after dinner and Gabe decided he wanted one too:
Gabe: Hey Nana! I want some of that juice!
Nana: You can't have any Gabe. This is just for Nana.
Gabe [Opening the wine chiller and pointing at a bottle]: Yes I can and I want this kind.
The next morning as we were leaving he told me he didn't want a Kool-Aid to take with him - he wanted a beerd. [No, no...not the hairy kind on a man's chin...the kind in a long-neck bottle.] I told him that children do not drink beerd. "OK then...just give me the Kool-Aid!" [Now you see why I need to get this out of my head?]
On a serious note, I have a good friend that needs your prayers and words of encouragement. Her name is Mindy and she just found out on Thursday of last week that she has breast cancer. She is young [only 42?] and has a wonderful husband and two teenage daughters. She found out Friday that the tumor is larger than the surgeon originally thought but that her type of cancer, though rare, is treatable. She will be going to visit Duke this week for a second opinion. Please pray for her, for her family [Mindy, her sisters Jenny and Sue, and myself, have gotten into trouble, laughed, cried, and shared lots - we worked together for 7 years.] and for the doctors that are in charge of her treatment. She has a very positive attitude...she is awesome! If you get a minute, stop by her caringbridge site, Mindy, and leave her a note. You can follow her story by clicking the link in the blogs I follow.
Life is really good...kiss your kids, love your spouse, and praise God for the miracles He does everyday.